Less hardware necessary thanks to an original technology!
- Simulate the behaviour of real components and services implemented under z/OS and activated by composite applications, thanks to virtual services available freely and any time.
- Virtualization encompasses also execution parameters such as the current date or the connected users.
- The level of these services can be as well the company as a specific application.
- Stability of test cases.
- Asap testing by developers, even if the real z/OS service does not exist yet.
- Reduction of tests duration as virtualized services remove the necessity for availability and accessibility of components and services implemented under z/OS.
- Rationalization of the company’s test process by providing several teams with virtualized services simultaneously.
- Optimization of infrastructure costs through resouces tailored to strictly match the needs of the virtualized service, without having to build environments the size of the entire application.
Several use cases
- Virtualization of a z/OS service used by applications outside z/OS.
- Virtualization of a z/OS service used by z/OS applications.
- Replay without restraint when performing regression tests for a technical migration project.
- Project for migration from z/OS to UNIX keeping COBOL programs.
Example: parallelization of developments
- No need to setup a full environment in order to test the presentation layer of an application.
- RECITAL operates at the level of called services and sends all answers to questions received.
- This allows for not awaiting the end of new z/OS developments in order to test the presentation layer.